2019: The First Quarter

Due to the popularity of our previously published stats the lovely Jodie has put together the stats for the first quarter (January 2019-March 2019) of this year.

In the first quarter of 2019 the team were responsible for case-loading the care of 56 woman. From this caseload, 47 women (83.9%) still intending to birth at home at the start of their labours, while 9 women (16.1%) , for various reasons had changed their intended place of birth.

37 members of our caseload (78.7%) birthed their babies at home as planned while 21.3% changed their planned place of birth while in labour (care transferred to the Royal Surrey).

75% of our caseload were cared for in labour by a midwife they had met before and 30% were cared for by their own named midwife.

76.6 % of the women who birthed at home used water to support them in their labours (hydrotherapy) and 70% of the births that took place at home occurred within the water (waterbirth).

We were privileged to welcomed 26 girls and 30 boys in to the world and to support their parents in the first crucial weeks of parenthood.

If you would like to learn more about the team and birthing your baby at home, and you live within our catchment, come along to one of the team’s informal forums or contact the team to arrange a 1-2-1 chat in the privacy of your own home at rsch.homebirth.referrals@nhs.net

The Surrey Hills Homebirth Team Summer 2019

If you would like to learn more about the team and birthing your baby in your own home come along to one of the team’s informal forums or contact the team at rsch.homebirth.referrals@nhs.net to arrange a private chat in the comfort of your own home.